Nov 8, 2017

Also in America, the Horseman Elite Auction references are jumping their way into the spotlight. Tracy Fenney jumped to a 6th place with Igor van de Heibos (Lord Z) in the 1m50 of CSI4*-W Lexington. In the 1m45 Speed & Handiness class, Tracy finished 8th with Igor, who was sold at our auction in 2008.

Kannabis van de Bucxtale (PKZ Contact van de Heffinck) confirmed his qualities again and won as well with his new rider Damien Plume at the 7-year-old horses during CSIYH* Liège. Also in Liege, Eldorado van het Vijverhof became 13th in the 1m50 with Grégory Wathelet.

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